Orchard City Indivisible


Actions for 10/19/21

Good afternoon, all. In today's addition of link bingo, I'm going a bit out of order. I'll be adding some a quick intro to redistricting at the very top considering how close we are to it being a reality and how consequential it will be to the local political landscape.

Redistricting: Efficiency Gap - Please share this. It's a quick read and I've found it to be very useful. https://www.brennancenter.org/sites/default/files/legal-work/How_the_Efficiency_Gap_Standard_Works.pdf Then, of course, some practical application: https://www.sanjoseca.gov/your-government/appointees/city-clerk/redistricting-2020

BigIndi Actions Give No Ground - givenoground.org & bit.ly/ocipledge secure.actblue.com/donate/standwithoci

Call your representatives and senators for an inclusive recovery passage: bit.ly/3kQSI2h
Call your senators and tell them to protect Roe V. Wade now. bit.ly/3tXftV1
Call your senators and demand they move quickly on the Freedom to Vote Act. bit.ly/3Atk18g
Make calls on an inclusive recovery package before it’s too late. bit.ly/3kQSI2h COVID info: sccgov.org

Environmental Justice Katharine Hayhoe 10/20 4:00 - bit.ly/2YatblA PG&E
Save Solar Rally 11/1 6:00

Racial Justice visit slavefreechocolate.org buy chocolate free candy for Halloween

SBSL: Check out upcoming activities: southbayswingleft.org/activities
Make calls to the Central Valley Sundays at 1:00
Make calls for VA House of Delegates 10/24 & 10/30 2:00-4:00
Canvass in Tracy 10/23, 11/13, 12/11 9:00 - 1:00
Walk & Knock with Justin Lardinois for SJCC 10/23 10 & 2 at Hathaway Park