Orchard City Indivisible


Actions for 9/28/21

Hey, all. We have short list this week but that doesn't mean the actions are any less important. The one large action we'd like for everyone to participate in is the March For Reproductive Rights. It's coming up this Saturday and, as usual, we have a number of different activities. You can make signs, help with voter registration, march, etc... RSVP for the event below.

BigIndi Actions

Call your senators and tell them to protect Roe V. Wade now. bit.ly/3tXftV1

Call your senators and demand they move quickly on the Freedom to Vote Act. bit.ly/3Atk18g

Make calls on an inclusive recovery package before it’s too late. bit.ly/3kQSI2h

COVID info: https://www.sccgov.org

SBSL: Check out upcoming activities: southbayswingleft.org/activities

Cindy Chavez Mayoral Kickoff - 9/30 @ 5:30: cityofequals.org

Neighborhood Walk & Knock with Justin Lardinois - 10/2 10-2 @ Starbird Park

Celebration of Life for Vincent Flores - justaddwalker@gmail.com

Register for Women's March (March for Reproductive Rights) - fb.me/e/2rzGurpVh